Official Song
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UniSHAMS’ logo is round in shape. There is armour with a picture of Al-Quran and a dome in between a wreath of paddy leaves.
Symbolises the source of Islamic law and the root of knowledge. UniSHAMS as a respectable Islamic institution of higher learning that disseminates Islamic knowledge.
Symbolises a religious institution and dissemination of knowledge. UniSHAMS is optimist in creating holistic scholars and noble professionals.
Paddy leaves wreath
Symbolises the state of Kedah that is known as the “Rice bowl” of Malaysia in which UniSHAMS is situated.
Symbolises steadfastness and defence. UniSHAMS is steadfast in guarding Islamic studies and the Islamisation of knowledge.
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To produce holistic scholars and noble professionals.Vision
To be a global Islamic University through integration of knowledge and wisdom.Motto
Preserving knowledge through wisdom